Tuesday, January 19, 2010

CD Ocean of Space
Filed under: Writing — Edwin @ 11:15 pm Edit This
This blog page is about Dan Henning. a musician, family man, minister, piano man at supper clubs, owner and operator of Get Reel Studio, specialist with the key-tar, practical joker, tall and a true mensch.

He lives in a small town in Ohio called Felicity near the Ohion River with his loving wife Tammy having raised two grown children there, though he could be working under the big lights in the big city but for his loyalty to his family and congregation.

There is not much to say about Felicity except it was once the refuge for a french nobleman who was in trouble with other french noblemen. He picked a good place to hide. Dan learned to play music real early from his father who lives not far away and who still gets out to entertain his fans.

I met Dan around 2005 through Lee Moran to collaborate on Shine Goddess Shine, a darn good CD, musically, which you can hear and read about on the other page. We… he and Lee composed the music that go with the words (songs) I bring them. Lee usually arranges and I watch and listen in amazement as those two went about putting Shine together while 99% went over my head.

I would like to write more and better songs but my time has is gone to writing a BS Novel and this RollingLogBlog. There are not enough hours in the day.

Dan has traveled all over the country many times for many years playing for churches and has volume of stories to tell which I like to hear. We talk a lot about spirituality and Music. Its a natural.

Dan is a big man with big heart though he talks about his wild years away from the church. He must have been one tough hombre having gone toe to toe with The Devil and God.

All the music on this blog was produced by Dan at Get Reel Studies though I have chosen to Oceans of Space to feature him since Oceans of Space is all Dan’s work. Oceans was originally commissioned to be heard in dentists office waiting room and was called A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded, a pretty good name in that it plays smooth but stumulating is simple yet complex and relaxing yet compelling. You get my drift. You could meditate to it, concentrate better, and relax to it after a hard day. Dan let me re-label A Compressed History .so it could have a wider audience.

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